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Often Peggy is graced with an opportunity to build a long term relationship with a family.  More than once, multiple siblings, along with cousins, learn to love reading while spending time with Peggy. Fifteen years later she gets to see them graduate. Former students (all siblings and cousins) gather round at a recent graduation celebration : Maddie, Avery, Hailey, Jonathan, The Reading Whisperer,  Rocco, Blaise & Audrey

Distance Is No Longer An Obstacle!

Every year we enjoy learning new ways to serve our client communitty. In the pursuit of offering an improved service, we take on the challenge of learning, then incorporating, at least one new digital technolog. We strive to put technology to work to improve student communications and to enhance our dialog with parents.

At first this meant joining Facebook, and learning how to tell our story. One year we added Twitter, another year Instagram, last year we polished our LinkedIn profile. We scan, we fax, we text, we curate the internet on behalf of our client community to share content interesting to parents of children learning to read.

Every child has unique learning requirements. We use search to find ideal teaching materials, the right book club questions, and to find a way to teach a lesson in a way the child finds intersting. (Yes, I know a lot about how to teach short vowels using dinosaurs as the topic)

Challenging at first, we have mastered “How To Zoom” (Like Your Family No Doubt)

We take great pride creating and nurturing relationships with young readers and their families. We continue to meet students in person in downtown Libertyville, as we have for decades.  The last few years have taught us we can have cozy and productive time together learning to read remotely over Zoom, as well!

Kids Log In From All Over!

We have enjoyed tutoring children logged in from cities in three continents!  Students stay with us as they move from the LMV area. Some Moms,  from distant locations, learn about the value of The Reading Whisperer while online. Families continue our services on extended vacations.  Kids are loggin in from places like Florence, Italy; from California; Ireland; Connecicut, Michigan, Florida, and Argentina (among many others).  Take a look at the map.

Registration Page

Classes tend to fill quickly. Vacation schedules during the summer & winter breaks can be easily accommodated. Please contact us as soon as possible so we can enroll your child and get your preferred time slots.

Downtown Libertyville



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